Eastern Gouache
青蛙 Frog at Lotus Pond 1960
絹本.膠彩 Gouache on silk|33×41cm(6F)|私人收藏
靜晨 silent dawn 1961
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|27×24cm(3F)|私人收藏
晨曦 light of the sunrise 1961
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|27×24cm|私人收藏
青瓷 porcelain 1961
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|27X24cm |私人收藏
木棉花 Kapok flower 1961
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|27×24cm|私人收藏
杜鵑花 Azaleas in Glass Pot 1961
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|24×27cm(3變)|私人收藏
郊野 Country Side 1962
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|50×65cm(15P)|私人收藏
梳妝 Make Up 1962
絹本.膠彩 Gouache on silk|38×45.5cm(8F)|私人收藏
晨曦 Sunrise at Mountain Side 1962
紙本.膠彩 Gouache on paper|41×53cm(10P)|私人收藏